European Union Contribution Agreement with EASA - 2020 to include:
Cabin Air Quality: investigation of the potential health risks that might evolve from long-term exposure notably by cockpit and cabin crews to LOW DOSE cabin air contamination events and their possible mitigations; this should encompass the collection and analysis of COMBINED SAMPLES OF CONTAMINANTS COCKTAIL and ultra-fine particles and the EVALUATION OF THEIR EFFECTS by comparison with epidemiological data; aggregation with currently on-going and past research work towards a more comprehensive, robust and validated picture between levels of contamination of cabin air and potential health impacts.
Cabin Air Quality: investigation of the potential health risks that might evolve from long-term exposure notably by cockpit and cabin crews to LOW DOSE cabin air contamination events and their possible mitigations; this should encompass the collection and analysis of COMBINED SAMPLES OF CONTAMINANTS COCKTAIL and ultra-fine particles and the EVALUATION OF THEIR EFFECTS by comparison with epidemiological data; aggregation with currently on-going and past research work towards a more comprehensive, robust and validated picture between levels of contamination of cabin air and potential health impacts.
ec-easa_contribution_agreement.pdf |