Toxic Substances linked to Aerotoxic Syndrome
In the image gallery below an excerpt from the extensive file put together by Dr. Jean-Christophe BALOUET PhD (†) is shown. Over the many years of his research he discovered 317 compounds that can be linked to Aerotoxic Syndrome. Exposure to the fumes of such a mixture of toxic substances can lead to the incapacitation of pilots and cabin crew; it can cause injury to the central nervous system and even result in chronic ill-health to those who have been long-term exposed to aircraft cabin air contamination.
Jean-Christophe BALOUET († 31. March 2021): Doctor of the Sorbonne, PhD of Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC), internationally recognized specialist in environmental forensics since the 1990s, author of 96 publications and promoter, in particular, of the dating of hydrocarbon pollution by dendrochronology, Dr. Jean Christophe Balouet was also secretary general of the CNEJE and accompanied three presidents. He brought a new approach to all the experts, largely inspired by his experience in the USA. He was involved in many international bodies and many highly technical fields ranging from paleontology to airborne - Aerotoxic - syndrome, he has enabled many experts to evolve positively in the analytical approach and understanding of environmental pollution. In particular aircrew who have been affected by toxic fumes in aircraft are grateful for his never-ending work and are grieved by his sudden passing on March 31st 2021 - may he Rest In Peace.
Due to the size of the file I can only show some of the pages below.
photo: JCBalouet©tvbmedia