Aircraft Contaminated Cabin Air - Aerotoxic Syndrome Science & Experts
Neurotoxicity — the poisoning of the brain and nervous system—is a well-documented effect of exposure to many chemical substances, yet doctors (and lawyers) often fail to recognize it. A person who has suffered a serious chemical injury is likely to have sustained considerable damage to his or her brain and nervous system. This is important for a lawyer to know, because doctors often recognize only the person’s physical illness, not realizing that serious brain and nervous system damage may have also occurred.
A multitude of chemical substances is present in the aircraft cabin air. The fumes can be visible or invisible, they can leave behind certain 'smells' or not. Measurements have to date summed up over 300 substances (Jean Christophe BALOUET PhD †). In the past the focus has been on 'tricresyl phosphate' (TCP) a chemical from the family of organophosphates as the main health damaging substance. However, the case is more complex and the mixture of the various chemicals, from the engine oil to hydraulic oils, kerosene fumes to solvents, flame retardants and not to forget the insecticides for "disinsection". Their interaction and constant 'low level' presence from the "fall-out", residue that sticks to the linings of the walls, the seats and carpets in the closed environment of an aircraft must be taken into consideration.
Chronic exposure to low levels of some toxic chemicals can be even worse than a single acute exposure because the toxins acumulate over time and can cause from mild to severe nervous system and brain injury. The symptoms of brain injury from exposure to toxic chemicals vary widely. But there are ways you and your experts can pinpoint the damage and its cause. Please find (and use) below collection of scientific papers in relation to aircraft cabin air 'accidents' and ill-health. Find INFO you need for your doctor and medical staff / first responders/ paramedics HERE - FREE downloads!
©AerotoxicTeam /BB-SCIENCE
You may want to use online translation programs to translate the available summaries (abstracts) of these studies into your own language. Even if the texts are scientific, you will be surprised how much you can understand.
Much of above listed science was researched by, and used for the award winning documentary film UNFILTERED BREATHED IN by Tim van Beveren, view trailer: EXPERTS (alphabetical order)
Evidence from over 60 years ago (examples)