The Tip Of The Iceberg
This is a simple explanation of the TILT Process = Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance or ‘Chemical Sensitivity’ leading to: Aerotoxic Syndrome.
TILT begins following a one-time major exposure or a series of low-level chemical exposures: in our case on aircraft, to acute fume events and/or “long-term low level” exposures. Examples include chemical spills, pesticides, cleaning agents, and indoor air contaminants emitted from bleed-air, kerosene fumes, flame retardants in seating, flooring, wall materials and the disinsection process.
After an initial exposure, people who are TILTed lose tolerance for chemicals, foods, fragrances and medication that never bothered them before. Different people lose tolerance to different things, even if they’ve had the same initiating exposure. So if ‘only’ one or two crew members react and none of the others, it does not mean they are imagining things or are ‘pretending’. Please take them seriously! Next time it could be you!
“TILT “can lead to central nervous system and brain injury - Aerotoxic Syndrome - loss of license and subsequently a forced medical ‘retirement’ - and in the worst case scenarios: chronic ill-health.
Exposures trigger symptoms, including difficulties with attention, memory and mood, gastrointestinal problems, and allergic-like symptoms. Problems are often masked so patients and their doctors cannot tell which exposures are triggering which symptoms.
People with (chronic) illness may be unable to link their symptoms to exposures because they are heavily “masked.” Masking results from overlapping reactions to many different chemicals, foods and drugs and normal habituation associated with chronic workplace exposures.
Passengers: Frequent Flyers who fly (nearly) as often as professional air-crews do, pregnant women and children due to their more sensitive immune system and the elderly also belong to the group of people who should be ‘extra’ aware of these dangers and protect themselves.
Protection: Protective MASKS info go to FLYER’s FRIEND
wishing you happy landings and fumes-free flights
Bearnairdine Beaumont
Aerotoxic Team WEBSITE >>> get your FREE eBooklet
Flyer’s Health advice? Go to PLANE HOLISTIC HEALTH