Exposure to toxic pollutants, has been linked to many chronic diseases. In our case the contact with contaminated cabin air over a long period of time ( long term low level exposure) or an acute fume event, can cause symptoms which are often misdiagnosed. It is important to give your medical staff the information we have prepared for you.
Please make sure to down-load, print-out >>> THIS PAGE <<< or have the link handy to give to your doctor/ medical staff. Note: Not all laboratories can test for all the listed substances.
Laboratories (not all) offer toxic organic exposure profiles that screen for the presence a variety of different toxic chemicals including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethrin insecticides, and others.
The list >>> HERE <<< offers suggestions which other tests could be done to help prove exposure - please feel free to give it to your medical practitioner. These tests have been done on hundreds of crew in Germany by Prof Heutelbeck.
Also, Dr Julu (Breakspear Hospital) conducted what he called “target-organ orientated examination of the autonomic nervous system”, which he believes can give firm evidence of nerve damage caused by chemical contamination and other neurotoxins. The following additional biochemical tests may be run to determine toxicity levels:
Please make sure to down-load, print-out >>> THIS PAGE <<< or have the link handy to give to your doctor/ medical staff. Note: Not all laboratories can test for all the listed substances.
Laboratories (not all) offer toxic organic exposure profiles that screen for the presence a variety of different toxic chemicals including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethrin insecticides, and others.
The list >>> HERE <<< offers suggestions which other tests could be done to help prove exposure - please feel free to give it to your medical practitioner. These tests have been done on hundreds of crew in Germany by Prof Heutelbeck.
Also, Dr Julu (Breakspear Hospital) conducted what he called “target-organ orientated examination of the autonomic nervous system”, which he believes can give firm evidence of nerve damage caused by chemical contamination and other neurotoxins. The following additional biochemical tests may be run to determine toxicity levels:
- Hematology & Biochemistry with electrolytes (BH1)
- Immunology Profile (BH6)
- Fatigue Profile
- Methylation Panels
- Bisphosphoglycerate (2-3 BPG) and Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
List of Doctors and Laboratories most likely to be helpful:
At ProHealth the 'Aerotoxic Syndrome' diagnostic possibilities are the following:
DNA-test for detoxification (blood) TCP metabolites (urine) Organophosphate solubles (urine) Organophosphate metabolites (urine) The lab is in Holland, but they speak excellent English and are very helpful - read (click on above logo) and fill in their contact form for more info. Please check this page regularly for updates. |