Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Pfizer-BioNTech Covid 19 vaccine: "An Occupational Exposure Value has been established for one or more of the ingredients (see Section 8). Toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated. (see Section 11). This document has been prepared in accordance with standards for workplace safety, which require the inclusion of all known hazards of the product or its ingredients regardless of the potential risk."(©) (here).
- Pfizer-BioNTech ingredients
- Moderna ingredients
- J&J Janssen ingredients
MSDS SAINT-mRNA : Identified uses: "For use in research and development only". (here) Study: The mRNA-LNP platform's lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory
Neither the manufacturer of the respective "vaccine" nor the assessing doctor can rule out with certainty, that a Corona "vaccination" could lead to serious side effects and allergies. For example, in the case of an allergic reaction, there is a risk that this could have a fatal effect.This risk can be more or less excluded by a prior check. The next thing would be that doctors (allergist) would have to have the various ingredients / substances in their test kits. Several of these substances are per MSDS not supposed to get in contact with the skin, following that logically no regular skin-patch testing can be done, except for the ingredient Polyethylene glycol (PEG-2000). Attention: some laboratories are beginning to offer such testing, make sure to ask which ingredients they are testing - it might only be the PEG.